Wednesday 14 November 2012

Good morning song

waniska pewapan oma
asay piyesisak nikamowak
pemiyonakwan kitaskinaw

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I hope the day is treating you well and the feelings of spring are warm.

    My name is Stephanie, I'm from Pittsburgh, PA and a member of an exuberant and ragtag choir.

    I am writing to you because I would love your knowledge and thoughts about Waniska and if you know its story and if it is a song that is able to be shared cross culturally. We are a choir of non-Cree or First Nation peoples, who, though we find Waniska enchantingly beautiful, recognize it may not be our place to share it.

    We stumbled across the song on the internet and found an arrangement by Brian Tate, also not First Nation. In this mission to discover Waniska's story, I contacted Brian and asked how he came to arrange it - he taught music at Full Circle: First Nation Performance in Vancouver and was taught this song by a Cree person who told him that it was a song that could be shared and that he could arrange to make it available to others.

    what can you tell me about Waniska's story? What are your thoughts about a choir of non-indigenous peoples to sing this Cree morning song in the context of a community gathering celebrating harmony, unity and respect - a community parade celebrating warmth and spring?

    Thank you so much for your time and reading.
